I realized that way back when, I didn't show you all how I made the no sew curtains. It's so easy! When we were thinking about our downstairs doors, we didn't want to do those annoying vertical blinds. We had those at our old house and honestly I wanted to set them on fire! :) I wanted to make sure that it was bright enough during the day, but not too bright for when Tim is editing. And I wanted them to give us privacy at night. The backyard at night creeps me out so I had to make sure they covered the doors.
I wanted the fabric to be more on the neutral side. That way if we ever want to change up the room, they should match. Not gonna lie, I've been in love with the new zig zag fabric that is out there. At first I wanted the green and white zig zag but figured i have enough green and that wasn't all that neutral. So I went with the gray and white. I found it on I believe buyfabrics.com for only $6 something a yard..that's amazing! The plan was to use black out fabric behind it but I was worried I'd mess it up if I had to sew. So here's what I did.
First I washed the fabric and after it was dry i figured out what was half and cut it. I didn't wash them last time and the upstairs curtains are a little stiff. After that I busted out the no sew tape and went to town. All you do is cut the tape the same length as the side you're doing, fold it over the same width as the tape and then hold the iron on the spot, no wiggling. I only did a little at a time so I didn't mess it up. I'm a little OCD and I had to do it like this: Top, Bottom, Side, Side on both pieces. You can do it anyway your heart desires, I'm just weird. Obviously after washing them they were wrinkling, so I tried to iron them. I hate ironing! Even though they didn't come out with no wrinkles, we still love them! It gives them a more "we've been here a while" look.
I guess I should mention that I bought the rings with the clips on them. I did this because A. It's the easiest B. Child proof and C. Winston proof. He loves walking in the curtains. Weird. We went with a gun metal finish. At first it was because I didn't want black but then I noticed that our card catalog's handles had the same finish.
What's nice is we can drag them any which way we want! We are in love! I hope that this helps you make your own curtains! It's so stickin easy!!
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